Free Money Making Ideas
for Political Junkies

by Samantha H.
(Seattle, Wa.)

If any of your visitors are political junkies or political animals like me, they may be interested in these political money making ideas.

You are welcome to make this a money making ideas webpage on your website.

Here are my picks of free money making ideas for political junkies. These money making ideas should be popular at tradeshows and swapmeets etc.

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Draw political cartoons

Create funny political jokes posters

Be a political comedian

Create funny political cartoon t-shirts

Create political humor posters

Create political greeting cards

Create up political calendars

Create political playing cards

Create political cartoon humor posters

Create funny political bumper stickers

Create posters of political musings

Create t-shirts of political musings

Create t-shirts or posters of clean political jokes

Create t-shirt of political humor jokes

Create posters of political humor jokes

Create bumper stickers of political humor jokes

Create and print political slogans

Draw and print cartoons of political figures

Draw and print cartoons of political symbols

Sell t-shirts cartoon prints of current political figures

Create and print political buttons

Create and print political cartoon books

Write a political science fiction novel

Create t-shirt of funny political quotes

Create t-shirt of outrages political quotes

Create Posters of funny political quotes

Create Posters of outrages political quotes

Create Political games

Create political gift baskets

Create a political puppets show

Create political action figures

Create political campaign collectibles

Create political folk music

Make funny political cartoons

Draw funny political pictures

Catch politicians in funny political "Kodak moments"

Write political music

Write political ads

Create political art

Be a creator of political games

Create figurines of the different political party symbols

Sponsor political social parties

Create an educational political game

Create political collectibles

Create political figurines

Create political memorabilia

Create political and patriotic tattoos

Manufacture political pet toys

Make political signs

Make political yard signs

Create political stickers

Make political videos

Paid political surveyor

Be a paid political blogger

Be a political cartoonist

Be a political talk radio show host

Be a political comedian

Be a political columnist

Be a political consultant

Be a political photography

Work for political campaigns

Teach political history

Write for a political science journal

Publish political magazines

Take political polls

Collect for political donations

Do political analysis reports

Become a political analysts

Write analysis on the different political ideologies

Join political action committees

Do presidential political polls

Write political advertisements

Create political websites:

Political chat room Website

Political photos website

Political bulletin board website of current and upcoming events

Political fact check website reporting

Website of political archive information

Website on US political scandals

Create a website of political humor jokes

Website of political satire

Website reviewing the many different careers in political science

Website on plausible political conspiracy theories

Create a website on humorous political quotes

Create a website on outrages political quotes

Create a website on funny political videos

Create a website on political documentaries

Website of important political speeches

Website of current political speeches

Website of present and past political scandals

Webpage for the best political cartoons contest

Website on your political reviews

Website on your political writings

Website on political world news

Create a website to expose political scandals

Website reviews on other political sites

Website on political conspiracies

Website on jobs for political science majors

Become a Political Writer:

Write political articles about the current political issues

Write about the political prisoners around the world

Write about the political intelligence of the American electorate

Write about the latest political news

Write about the political psychology

Write about the different political party platforms

Write about the political spine of politicians

Write about the current political issues

I Hope you that you can find these free money making ideas of political junkies usful to you.

I did a lot of work brainstorming these political money making ideas for you and your visitors. I trust you and your visitors can appreciate my efforts.


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